It is very important that the product you are going to use is fully tested and certified in different categories, so it is entirely safe to use. Veilish is a material not only certified to use with HP Latex printing technology, but also it obtained a fire retardant certificate and was tested negatively for the heavy metal’s content.


Veilish brings outstanding printing results when printed with the latest inkjet technologies. Veilish can be printed with using solvent, latex, and UV inks. The material is certified for HP Latex printers, and the settings and profiles are available through the HP website. Excellent printing results are achieved on Veilish black in combination with white inks. Due to the large variety of printers and newly developed printing platforms, it is recommended to carry a test for each specific situation.


 It is important that the material you are going to use in commercial spaces has a certificate of fire resistance. Veilish is positively tested for fire behavior according to the EN13501-1 standard. It has fulfilled the requirements for B-s1,d0. The fire behavior testing was performed on a glass substrate, which mimics the actual application of the material in public and commercial spaces like hotels, restaurants, schools, offices, etc.


Besides those certifications, Veilish was also tested for the heavy metal’s content. The test was conducted after removing the release film. Veilish was tested to detect any contents of cadmium, lead, mercury, and hexavalent chrome. We are proud to say that the there were no heavy metals detected in the material.
